Hi, I have the following search:
| spath input=rawJsonData output=UserActionAttributes path=UserActionAttributes
| rex max_match=0 field=UserActionAttributes "pn:(?<partNumber>\d{4,5}[a-zA-Z]\d{1,3})"
| rex max_match=0 field=UserActionAttributes "compNm:((?<compName>(.*?))\")"
| eval zip = mvzip(partNumber,compName)
| mvexpand zip
| eval zip= split(zip,",")
| eval partNumber=mvindex(zip,0)
| eval compName=mvindex(zip,1)
| dedup bid, partNumber,compName
| eval compcheck = if(like(partNumber,"%".compName."%"),"Contained","Not Contained")
| table partNumber,compName, compcheck
The returned values could look like this (compName is not uniform, it could really be anything. Sometimes doesn't contain part number at all, which is what I'm looking for)
partNumber: 333T4343
compName: blahblah_333T4343_blah
I want the compcheck to tell me that compName contains partNumber in this case, but it's not working. I've also tried (also does not work):
| eval compcheck = if(match(partNumber,compName),"Contained","Not Contained")
Please help 🙂
Well, I spent too much time trying something before figuring out to flip your variables.
Try like this:
| makeresults
| eval partNumber = "333T4343"
| eval compName = "blahblah_333T4343_blah"
| eval AreTheseTheSame = if(match(compName,partNumber),"Contained","Not Contained")
@The_Simko omg....how did I not realize that. Thank you so much!!!
Well, I spent too much time trying something before figuring out to flip your variables.
Try like this:
| makeresults
| eval partNumber = "333T4343"
| eval compName = "blahblah_333T4343_blah"
| eval AreTheseTheSame = if(match(compName,partNumber),"Contained","Not Contained")