I need to list all the Source Server Details (Hosname and IP Address) including log paths & Log File names which are sending logs to Splunk environment. The following query doesn't fetch the IP Address. Is there any better way to do it?
| stats values(source) as sources ,values(sourcetype) as sourcetype by host
Try below mentioned SPL, work normally if you are not on Splunk cloud environment. Please check and let us know if works
| tstats values(source) as sources ,values(sourcetype) as sourcetype where index=* by host
| lookup dnslookup clienthost as host OUTPUT clientip as src_ip
Try below mentioned SPL, work normally if you are not on Splunk cloud environment. Please check and let us know if works
| tstats values(source) as sources ,values(sourcetype) as sourcetype where index=* by host
| lookup dnslookup clienthost as host OUTPUT clientip as src_ip
Hey mate, Thanks for your answer. Do I need to make any changes on | lookup query part. pardon for basic doubt, I am new to Splunk.
Hello @splunkwar , its internet lookup script. No changes required 🙂
Thanks @sumanssah . It perfectly worked and fulfilled my need.
Check this query. In results host might contain IPs, hostname or just names of the source. You need to map host values with IPs using a csv lookup.
| metasearch index=*
| stats count by index,source,host,sourcetype
Thanks for your answer !
Do you have a lookup table that maps host names to IP addresses?