I have some data from which I would like a summary report with only the most active clients in the list. The search below does the trick except that it lists all the clients, but I would be happy with the first five lines of the result. I am not looking for a "lines per page" solution. I would simply like to cut the report after the first five (or so) lines.
index=myindex source=mysource SummaryLines
| stats
count(eval(STATUS_CODE=1 OR STATUS_CODE=2)) AS "No token"
count(eval(STATUS_CODE=3)) AS Timeout
count(eval(STATUS_CODE=4)) AS OK
count AS Total
| sort -Total
| top limit=5 Total, OK, CLIENT, "No token", Timeout
| fields CLIENT, "No token", Timeout, OK, Total
Actually, the last two lines did not have any effect. I tried inserting
| top limit=5 CLIENT
before the stats, but then I lost all details in the fields.
How should I do this?
Try this
index=myindex source=mysource SummaryLines
| stats
count(eval(STATUS_CODE=1 OR STATUS_CODE=2)) AS "No token"
count(eval(STATUS_CODE=3)) AS Timeout
count(eval(STATUS_CODE=4)) AS OK
count AS Total
| sort 5 -Total
Try this
index=myindex source=mysource SummaryLines
| stats
count(eval(STATUS_CODE=1 OR STATUS_CODE=2)) AS "No token"
count(eval(STATUS_CODE=3)) AS Timeout
count(eval(STATUS_CODE=4)) AS OK
count AS Total
| sort 5 -Total
Well, that possibility never crossed my mind. It seems like I should do more thorough reading of the manuals. Thanks a lot!