You'll need an external service (Google Maps, etc.) to provide that lookup for you. Once you have that you can call such an API from a scripted lookup, pass the lat/lon to the lookup and return the physical address into your search results. Displaying that in a table is the easiest part.
You'll need an external service (Google Maps, etc.) to provide that lookup for you. Once you have that you can call such an API from a scripted lookup, pass the lat/lon to the lookup and return the physical address into your search results. Displaying that in a table is the easiest part.
Thanks! Very helpful. Do you have an example on how to create a scripted lookup that calls an API? And where can I get that API?
@Mus & Martin_mueller,
So far what is displayed on the table are the Lon & Lat but i need the Physical address but I'm planning to use OpenStreetMap instead of GoogleMap.
How can i do it?
Are the logic to display the Physical address on the table works the same on both Google Map & OpenstreetMap?
Apologise Rongruspe for "hijacking' ur post but I'm also facing similar issues.
Yes, the logic is the same. You can easily switch between Google Maps and Openstreetmap or any other Map tile server in Splunk; see the docs Topic Map Tiles
PS: You can even create your own map tiles and use them in Splunk 😉
Thanks MuS for the fast respond 🙂
I've no issues displaying the coordinate on the various Maps but i need to display the Physical address instead of Lat & Lon on the Table.
Are you able to view the Pic on the link i provided?
Do you have any suggestion how this can be done?
Thanks & appreciate a lot
The answer is the same as well - use a geolocation web service, such as Google's API linked to above. I'm sure there are services besides Google too.
Look at the link posted by @MuS for a start.
And here you can find such an external service
uupppss copy/paste error - the first link was the wrong one 🙂