In my environment I got one scenario like have to find common errors in iis log, applog,apache log and db log. How to find it
Please help me on the same
Thanks in Advance
Hi @Reddi694325
Many log types have a 'level' which is normally one of INFO/WARN/ERROR etc.
Some logs report a status code which indicates the outcome.
If you have installed the appropriate TA for your log type this should be extracted for you You need to identify those fields/tags/values and write a search to identify them.
(sourcetype=iis AND sc_status>=400) OR (sourcetype=myApp AND log_level=error)
What qualifies as a "common error" in three very different logs?
Actually I am thinking is there any way to find by using codes like 404,500.............
three are different logs I know But code doesn't change I think.