INFO Decrypted user token received as header:
{"phoneNumber":"888888888","firstName":"Alan ","lastName":"Mmm","email":"alan@mmmcom","id":"658336","guid":"f07286ef-d3ea-4319-ac45-39596354ce95","userType":"PROFILE_OWNER","profileId":"480783","profileGuid":"14d9b3a5-9350-435b-8f45-fe4556f465b7","profileName":"KARATE EAT NOW","profileOwnerPhoneNumber":"8585181878","profileOwnerFirstName":"Alan ","profileOwnerLastName":"Mmm","profileOwnerEmail":"","profileOwnerId":"658336"}
If your trying to do this at search time your syntax is not quite correct.
try this:
...|rex field=_raw "profileId\":\"(?<profileId>\d+)\""|table profileId
If your trying to do this at search time your syntax is not quite correct.
try this:
...|rex field=_raw "profileId\":\"(?<profileId>\d+)\""|table profileId
is there a way to sort the count by month in ascending order.. like Nov, Dec, Jan.
I'm trying this but the data is not in order
INFO Decrypted user token received as header" "profileId" | eval Month=strftime(_time,"%b") | rex field=_raw "profileId\":\"(?\d+)\""|dedup profileId | stats count(profileId) by Month | sort -_time
How Can i Extract the user "" from the log?
INFO User [] successfully logged into Myaccount Portal on :Fri Jan 26 09:37:53 EST 2018
try this
INFO Decrypted user token received as header" "profileId" | eval month=strftime(_time,"%m") | rex field=_raw "profileId\":\"(?<profileId>\d+)\"" | dedup profileId | stats count(profileId) by month date_month| sort month | fields- month
let me know if this helps!
No it didnt help me
If I search for last 6 months its showing the chart like this...
Jan, July, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
then try this
INFO Decrypted user token received as header" "profileId" | eval month=strftime(_time,"%m") | rex field=_raw "profileId\":\"(?<profileId>\d+)\"" | dedup profileId | stats count(profileId) by date_year date_month month | sort date_year month | fields- date_year month
thanks Mayur... this worked
have tried the below but the unique values are not extracting.
" INFO Decrypted user token received as header" "profileId" | rex ":\s+(?\d+)\s+\/"
rex "\"profileId\"\s:\s\"(?P\d+)\""
just getting the total count.