First sorry for my english. I'm testing Splunk at the moment, and i have a task to extract a field from *.log files.
Raw value is :
..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Duration: 1 s. 466 ms....
..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Duration: 4 s. 066 ms...
..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Duration: 12 s. 300 ms...
I want to to make an alert when the Duration is greater than 3 s
for a Report I filtered with search command, but it won't show the value like: "11", "12"
host=NAME | search (duration:"4" OR "5" OR "6" OR "7" OR "8" OR "9" )
Any help please!?
Could you try this search?
host=name | rex field=_raw "Duration\:\s(?<duration_s>\d+)\ss\.\s+(?<duration_ms>\d+)\sms" | eval duration=duration_s+(duration_ms/1000) | search duration_s="*"
This would give you a float with the actual duration in duration
and separate fields for the second and millisecond component to use your original filtering.
Thank you very much! Both are good and working. But I accepted paulstout answer because it satisfy both my needs.
Thank you again!
I believe you can accept more than one answer, if they both helped.
Sorry, i didn't now that
Could you try this search?
host=name | rex field=_raw "Duration\:\s(?<duration_s>\d+)\ss\.\s+(?<duration_ms>\d+)\sms" | eval duration=duration_s+(duration_ms/1000) | search duration_s="*"
This would give you a float with the actual duration in duration
and separate fields for the second and millisecond component to use your original filtering.
To meet the original 3 second requirement, | where duration_s>3
or | search duration_s>3
should suffice.
try this,
your base search | rex "Duration:\s+(?<duration>\d+)" | where duration>3
Hope this will help you.
The threshold sp_lunky looking for is 3 sec. You may want to correct it.
updated the answer.