Hi everybody,
I'm trying to extract fields from multiple source names.
It worked for one filename, but I have a lot of files.
It doesn't work with this example :
if any body can help me thx
Have you tried this?
instead of this?
Have you tried this?
instead of this?
i resolve it by using field transform thx
for all reply ^^
You would need to provide some values, expected result (field names and values that needs to be extracted), and your last attempted search.
I will use regex To provide some values.
But how can i do if i have multiple source like 100000 file logs.
Still not clear to me what you're trying to do here. Do you want to setup a field extraction, in props.conf, for multiple sources? OR you're want to extract a field, from the portion of the source field value?
I want To setup a field extraction in props.conf for multiple sources.
Something like this should work
props.conf on Search Head
It would be easier to set it up based on sourcetype as it's number should be low. Do these sources report on different sourcetypes?