Here's one way...
| makeresults
| eval myfield1="11+09:45:25.591549"
| eval myfield2=myfield1
| rex mode=sed field=myfield2 "s/(\d+)\+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+).(\d+)/\1 days \2 hours \3 mins \4 secs/g"
| table myfield1 myfield2
Above method assumes you will always have all pieces. If you will occasionally have durations that are shorter than a day and have zero days, zero hours or whatever, then you need to define what you want to receive.
Here's one way...
| makeresults
| eval myfield1="11+09:45:25.591549"
| eval myfield2=myfield1
| rex mode=sed field=myfield2 "s/(\d+)\+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+).(\d+)/\1 days \2 hours \3 mins \4 secs/g"
| table myfield1 myfield2
Above method assumes you will always have all pieces. If you will occasionally have durations that are shorter than a day and have zero days, zero hours or whatever, then you need to define what you want to receive.
Hi DalJeanis ,
There are some field values like this 00:00:10.000000 which I want to convert it to days , hours ,minutes and secs
Any way we can add " "00+" 00:00:10.000000"
That should be something like this
| makeresults
| eval myfield1="11+09:45:25.591549 00:00:10.000000"
| makemv myfield1
| mvexpand myfield1
| eval myfield2=myfield1
| rex mode=sed field=myfield2 "s/((\d+)\+)?(\d+):(\d+):(\d+).(\d+)/\2 days \3 hours \4 mins \5 secs/g s/^ /0 /g s/00/0/g"
| table myfield1 myfield2
rex field=<duration_field_name> "(?<DAYS>\d+).(?<Hours>\d+).(?<Mins>\d+).(?<Secs>\d+)"|table DAYS, Hours, Mins, Secs
replace <duration_field_name>
with your duration field name