I am looking to export the results of a Splunk search that contains transforming commands. When I run the same search in the web GUI the live results "hang" on 50,000 stats, but once the search is complete it shows more than 300,000. (screenshots provided below)
What am I missing?
While performing search
Finished results
Using python 3.9's requests, my script contains the following:
headers={'Authorization': 'Splunk %s' % sessionKey}
parameters={'exec_mode': "oneshot", 'output_mode':output_type, 'adhoc_search_level':'fast', 'count':0}
with post(url=baseurl + '/services/search/jobs/export',params=parameters, data=({'search': search_query}), timeout=60, headers=headers, verify=False, stream=True) as response:
How long does your search take? You have a timeout of 60 (seconds?) - could this be increased?
The trouble is not the timeout. When the Splunk search is complete the results are successfully moved into an output file.
I am interested in learning how to return only the final results of ~300,000 rows from Splunk. The current URI path and parameters are leading to an output of more than 1,924,900 rows. I think this is some indication that Splunk is streaming "live" results and I only want the final results.
I don't know how this works but I did notice that you have stream=True - could this be the issue? Have you tried with stream=False?
The instance of "Stream=True" that you are referring to is not related to any part of the request to Splunk's REST API.
This is part of the python requests module/library that, if the response is available as a stream, reads the response as a stream. Further into the script this allows for the results to be written "live" as they are returned... instead of as one massive 2,924,899 line file. In essence, this is a band-aid to patch the issue I am actually asking in my question.