Hi ,
I have a pie chart with different dataservices and its size percentage. I am trying setup drilldown for each of these dataservices. Like if DB2 clicked, it should take me to DB2 database size dashboard, if MSSQL clicked it should take me to MSSQL database size dashboard.
Here is the drilldown code i have,
I have one drilldown link pattern. I am able to get $click.value$ based on the click made in the dashboard. But the problem is it is in uppercase "DB", "MSSQL" etc. Whereas the actual view id the drilldown has to traverse through is in lowercase like this - /app/sre/mssql_size_details?form.field1.earliest=$earliest$&form.field1.latest=$latest$&earliest=0&latest=
How do I convert the $click.value$ to lowercase and then pass it on the url ?
@sangs8788, Is this a drilldown from table or chart? Can you try the following (eval sets token to lower case and then used by drilldown):
<eval token="lowerDBName">lower($click.value$)</eval>
@sangs8788, Is this a drilldown from table or chart? Can you try the following (eval sets token to lower case and then used by drilldown):
<eval token="lowerDBName">lower($click.value$)</eval>
It is pie chart. Thanks it worked.
Hi Glad it worked. I have converted to answer. Please accept.
@niketnilay how to drill down from a donut chart using the $click.value$....the clicked value is not getting passed ...please help.
Which is the visualization you are using as donut has 2-3 viz for donut on Splunkbase. Some support built in drill down for others JS based drill down would need to be coded depending on viz DOM structure.
@niketnilay i am using a custom 2d donut chart which was created by my teammates...when i click on the donut new panel is opening as a drilldown but it shows no results found...if i check the query the token is passed just as i have given.. token=$click.value$...it is not taking the clicked value .
@preacher_15 if it is your custom app you would need to check code and ensure drill down is present. By default custom visualization s do not have drill down enabled. Good thing is you can code it yourself as per how you have built the custom visualization.
You can also follow existing custom visualization for donut which has drill down and create something similar.
@niketnilay any inputs regarding this?? need help..