I need help on splunk query that will count both filled and empty cells in excel spreadsheet differently and give the values in percentages. I am trying to track down the percentage of the cells left to be filled out in the excel spreadsheet using |inputlookup David_metrics_temp.csv
Use eval to add filled and empty.
| eval total = filled + empty
Here is a way to count the number of filled and empty cells. I'll leave it to you to compute the percentage.
| inputlookup David_metrics_temp.csv
| eval filled=0, empty=0
| foreach * [eval filled=if('<<FIELD>>'=filled OR '<<FIELD>>'=empty,filled,if(isnotnull('<<FIELD>>'),filled+1,filled)), empty=if('<<FIELD>>'=filled OR '<<FIELD>>'=empty,empty,if(isnull('<<FIELD>>'),empty+1, empty))]
| fields empty filled
| stats sum(*) as *
| table filled empty
It worked very well. Thanks.
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Please what about if I add up the totals of filled and empty will this query below do it?
| eventstats sum(filled, empty) AS total | table filled empty
Use eval to add filled and empty.
| eval total = filled + empty
Thanks. I had already figure it out. Thanks again for your help.