I have the following table
ApplicationGroup 0-10 10-20 101-150 151-200 20-30 201-300 30-35 310-340
ABB 1 3 5 3 6 2 8 2
avv 6 8 8 8 5 9 3 7
FFD 3 6 6 3 90 11 55 55
The number range that is shown is the Band and the numbers are basically the hours. I have created this using xyseries. As you can see the number ranges are not in order. Even if i apply sort, they are not coming in chronological order. Can we sort the number range header? If yes, how??
Option 1
You will have to prefix your ApplicationGroup values with "1. 0-10", "2. 10-20", "3. 20-30" etc.
your search | replace "0-10" with "1.0-10" in ApplicationGroup | replace "20-30" with "2. 20-30" in ApplicationGroup | ...
Option 2
If this works you can actually define your own lookup and map "0-10" to "1. 0-10". For example, if you create a lookup date_hour_chrono like the following example, you can use the query give below:
Date_Hour, Date_Hour_Chrono
"0-10","1. 0-10"
"10-20","2. 10-20"
"20-30","3. 20-30"
your search | lookup date_hour_chrono Date_Hour as Application_Group OUTPUT Date_Hour_Chrono | your remaining search
Option 3
One more option that you might have provided your query uses actual date_hour field extracted by Splunk from your event timestamp then you can feed the same to Splunk Punchcard visualization which plots Heat map across time series in both x and y axis and arranges according to time field selected like date_hour, date_wday etc.
Please share your query