What I am trying to do is to literally chart the values over time. Now the value can be anything. It can be a string too. My goal here is to just show what values occurred over that time
Eg Data:
I need to be able to show in a graph that these job_id's were being executed at that point of time. Is it possible? Do I need to use some advance charting mechanism to show this?
This should do it:
... | timechart span=1h count by job_id
Unfortunately there's no out-of-the-box way to do that (yet). Using a hack gets you pretty close: You could do
... | timechart values(linecount) by job_id span=1m
Given fine enough resolution for span
, this sets the value for each job_id
to 1. You can then do a line chart, like so:
If you just want to plot a point to denote that a particular job ID was run, try something like this
your current search giving above table | mvexpand job_id | eval value=1 | table _time job_id value
This will plot a value of 1 for all job_id (select column chart).
*Updated answer *
your current search giving above table | mvexpand job_id | eval value=1 | chart values(value) over _time by job_id limit=0
Well yes, thats the plan. But I still need to show which job_id was running then.
Give updated answer a try
Thanks for the correction.
Have you tried appending a timechart
command to your search?
... | timechart values(job_id)
I did. I think the problem is its not a straight number . As you see in the image above, it has a _ in between the two numbers. May be because of that it doesn't know how to chart it
|replace "*_*" with "**" in job_id
This make it a number. But thats not really what I want to do. I just want to show the value by _time.
I sort of expected that. Charting is something best done with numbers. I'm not sure of the utility of charting unique strings. @woodcock's answer will show job_id's broken down by time. Perhaps you can experiment with different visualizations to see if any work for you.
Something like this will work:
... | bucket _time span=1d | stats values(job_id) by _time