Kindly assist me as I am not getting the results I anticipate.
I wish to have a table like this
ClientIP | Count | Percentage | - | 50 | 50% | - | 25 | 25% | - | 25 | 25% |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Presently my query does NOT have the CIDR as I wished . It spits out individual IPs but it would be nice to have the IPs in the same CIDR range grouped in one column. That way I have a nice looking table.
I used this query to get individual percentage but not happy with the results. I would really appreciate any help.
index=* sourcetype=*
| stats count by clientip
| eventstats sum(count) as perc
| eval percentage = round(count*100/perc,2)
I used these 2 queries below. Both gave me results (events and statistics) although a slight difference in values.
index=* sourcetype=*
| rex field=clientip "(?<ip_subnet>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"
| eval ip_subnet_range=".0 - ".ip_subnet.".255"
| eval ip_subnet=ip_subnet.".0/24"
| stats count by ip_subnet
| eventstats sum(count) as perc
| eval percentage =round(count*100/perc,2)
index=* sourcetype=*
| rex field=clientip "(?<cidr_range>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"
| eval cidr_range=cidr_range.".0 - ".cidr_range.".255"
| stats count by cidr_range
| eventstats sum(count) as perc
| eval percentage = round(count*100/perc,2)
Thank you so much to @bowesmana , @johnhuang , @yuanliu . I really appreciate all your help.
index=* sourcetype=*
| rex field=clientip "(?<ip_subnet>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.\d+"
| eval ip_subnet_range=ip_subnet.".0 - ".ip_subnet.".255"
| eval ip_subnet_cidr=ip_subnet.".0/24"
| stats dc(clientip) AS ip_count BY ip_subnet_cidr ip_subnet_range
| eventstats sum(ip_count) AS total_ip_count
| eval percentage=ROUND((ip_count/total_ip_count)*100, 2)." %"
| addcoltotals labelfield=ip_subnet_cidr
| eval percentage=IF(ip_subnet_cidr="Total", "100.00 %", percentage)
| table ip_subnet_cidr ip_subnet_range ip_count percentage
@johnhuang , Thanks for your response. For some reasons, I couldn't get statistics values or in tabular form. I did get events and it still gave me individual IPs. I am not sure what I did wrong.
Is the "clientip" the correct fieldname for the client ip? If not, either rename the field to "clientip" or modify the query to use the correct fieldname.
@johnhuang , yes it's the correct fieldname.
You need to convert the client_ip to a CIDR range, then count by that range, e.g.
... your search ...
| rex field=clientip "(?<cidr_range>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"
| eval cidr_range=cidr_range.".0/24"
| stats count by cidr_range
That will then make A.B.C.0/24 - if you want to make it A.B.C.0-A.B.C.255 then just change the eval statement
(Edited - to change CIDR range from 8 to 24 as per @yuanliu comment)
@bowesmana , Thank you for responding. It still yielded individual IPs and no table.
A versatile alternative to rex is ipmask function.
| eval cidr_range = ipmask("", clientip)
| stats count by cidr_range
| eventstats sum(count) as total
| eval percent = 100 * count / total
@yuanliu, Thanks for your post. I got an error message in the eval command and no results.
Just noticed that ipmask is only available since Splunk 9.
I don't understand why @bowesmana's solution shouldn't work. It definitely outputs what you wanted with the following data
clientip | | | | | | | |
Using the the exact formula from @bowesmana's post except the correct CIDR mask of /24:
| makeresults
| eval clientip = mvappend("","","","","","","")
| mvexpand clientip
``` ^^^ data emulation ```
| rex field=clientip "(?<cidr_range>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"
| eval cidr_range=cidr_range.".0/24"
| stats count by cidr_range
I get the correct count.
cidr_range | count | | 2 | | 1 | | 1 | | 3 |
| rex field=clientip "(?<cidr_range>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"
| eval cidr_range=cidr_range.".1 - ".cidr_range.".255"
| stats count by cidr_range
Is this what you needed? The only drawback here is that this only works with /24, /16, and /8.
If you really wanted to use a range notation, you can do
| rex field=clientip "(?<cidr_range>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"
| eval cidr_range=cidr_range.".1 - "."cidr_range.".255"
| stats count by cidr_range
@yuanliu , I tried the query you sent in addition to the one from @bowesmana . Yes, I got results. A table included.
1st question: since I have over 100 IPs, do I have to individually add them here like you mentioned below?
| eval clientip = mvappend("","","","","","","")
This was my query with pseudo IPs
| makeresults
index=* sourcetype=*
| eval clientip = mvappend("","","","")
| mvexpand clientip
| rex field=src_ip "(?<cidr_range>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"
| eval cidr_range=cidr_range.".1 - ".cidr_range.".255"
| stats count by cidr_range, clientip
| eventstats sum(count) as perc
| eval percentage = round(count*100/perc,2)
I get a table that looks like this
cidr_range | clientip | count | perc | percentage | | | 1 | 4 | 25 | | | 1 | 4 | 25 | - | | 1 | 4 | 25 | - | | 1 | 4 | 25 |
But when I use this query
index=* clientip="*"
| stats count by clientip
to see/get all the list and count of the IPs individually I get something roughly like this
clientip | count | | 800 | | 75 | | 44 | | 52 |
In the logs, I have,,, with their respective counts. It would be nice since they are in the same range to have them counted together in one column.
That is I was hoping I could get the appropriate count for IPs within a cidr_range that way I can have a concise table instead of individual IPs and their count. Considering that I need to have a percentage of each cidr_range.
@Lye makeresults is just a common method to emulate data. It is a generating command, thus cannot be combined with other generating commands such as your normal search. Sorry for not explaining this clearly. Just apply what @bowesmana illustrated to your actual search, e.g.,
index=* clientip=*
| rex field=clientip "(?<cidr_range>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"
| eval cidr_range=cidr_range.".1 - ".cidr_range.".255"
| stats count by cidr_range, clientip
| eventstats sum(count) as perc
| eval percentage = round(count*100/perc,2)