We are working to enhance our potential bot-traffic blocking and would like to see every IP that has hit AWS cloudfront > 3000 hits per day with a total + percentage of the total traffic that day.
Eventually I got as for with my searches to include appendpipe, this is also the point where I get stuck and will require some guidance.
The result I would like to get is as follows:
weekday | | | | total traffic | perc. of all traffic |
Monday | 3000 | 400000 | 0.75 | ||
Tuesday | 3000 | 3000 | 400000 | 1.5 | |
Wednesday | 3000 | 400000 | 0.75 | ||
Thursday | 3000 | 4000 | 5000 | 400000 | 3 |
Friday | 3000 | 400000 | 0.75 | ||
Saturday | 3000 | 400000 | 0.75 | ||
Sunday | 3000 | 400000 | 0.75 |
This is where I got stuck with my query (and yes the percentage is not even included in the query below)
| fields date_wday, c_ip
| convert auto(*)
| stats count by date_wday c_ip | appendpipe [stats count as cnt by date_wday]
| where count > 3000
| xyseries date_wday,c_ip,cnt
Any insights / thoughts are very welcome.
Try something like this
| fields date_wday, c_ip
| convert auto(*)
| stats count by date_wday c_ip
| eval large=if(count>=3000,count,null())
| eventstats sum(large) as daily by date_wday
| eventstats sum(count) as grand
| fields - large
| where count >= 3000
| eval c_ip=mvappend(c_ip, "daily", "grand")
| mvexpand c_ip
| eval count=case(c_ip="daily",daily,c_ip="grand",grand,1==1,count)
| xyseries date_wday c_ip count
| eval percent=round(100*daily/grand,2)
| fields - daily
| table date_wday * grand percent
Try something like this
| fields date_wday, c_ip
| convert auto(*)
| stats count by date_wday c_ip
| eval large=if(count>=3000,count,null())
| eventstats sum(large) as daily by date_wday
| eventstats sum(count) as grand
| fields - large
| where count >= 3000
| eval c_ip=mvappend(c_ip, "daily", "grand")
| mvexpand c_ip
| eval count=case(c_ip="daily",daily,c_ip="grand",grand,1==1,count)
| xyseries date_wday c_ip count
| eval percent=round(100*daily/grand,2)
| fields - daily
| table date_wday * grand percent
Brilliant! With some minor adjustments (excluding white listed IPs), this is exactly what I was looking for.