Hello Expebrts,
I am trying to add the values of a column and show the result in another field, but I am not able to generate it.
index=abc |stats count by name
Current Output:
a_req 4
a_resp 2
b_req 5
b_resp 5
Desired Output:
a 6
b 10
It should add a_req and a_resp and show a result in new column with the aggregate values
The current search is counting name. If you want to count by a different field, you have to specify that field (and create it, if necessary). Try this:
index=abc | rex field=name "(?<aggrName>\w+)_" | stats count by aggrName
The current search is counting name. If you want to count by a different field, you have to specify that field (and create it, if necessary). Try this:
index=abc | rex field=name "(?<aggrName>\w+)_" | stats count by aggrName
Thanks richgalloway