I am using a form and the dynamic inputs is a table of usernames. The search results in Domain\username
. I would like to use the results as a token in the next panel, but in order to do that I need it to be in the form of "Domain\\username"
. Does anyone have a pointer on how I may accomplish this?
This is what ended up working:
... |rex field=blah "(?<domain>.*)\\\(?<username>.*)"
This is what ended up working:
... |rex field=blah "(?<domain>.*)\\\(?<username>.*)"
Like this:
... | rex field=username mode=sed "s/\\\/\\\\\\\/"
I'm not sure if this is the cleanest way to do this but it works. In the dynamic input field add a rex statement to your search parse out Domain and username into two fields and then concatenate them back together with an extra .
This will give you values of the username field with the additional backslash for your escape character.