Hi all,
I have a column in splunk that I want to use to show totals. I would like for the dollar sign ($) to appear before the numbers in the totals column.
Here's my query:
index=prd_aws_billing (source="/*2017-12.csv") LinkedAccountId="123456678" ProductName="Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud" | stats sum(UnBlendedCost) AS Cost by ResourceId,UsageType,user_Name,user_Engagement
How do I get the numbers in the UnBlendedCost column to appear with a dollar sign in front of them?
Try this:
index=prd_aws_billing (source="/*2017-12.csv") LinkedAccountId="123456678" ProductName="Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud" | stats sum(UnBlendedCost) AS Cost by ResourceId,UsageType,user_Name,user_Engagement | fieldformat Cost="$".tostring(Cost)
Try this:
index=prd_aws_billing (source="/*2017-12.csv") LinkedAccountId="123456678" ProductName="Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud" | stats sum(UnBlendedCost) AS Cost by ResourceId,UsageType,user_Name,user_Engagement | fieldformat Cost="$".tostring(Cost)
That's perfect. Thank you!