i need to extract all the numbers in the below string. I am using "(?\d+[0-9])" but its not extracting zeros and i am getting only 53 as the answer
I have to get an answer : 00053100127157
If you want only the digits in the raw event remove everything else, then instead of extracting simply use replace -
<base search> | eval digits=replace(_raw,"\D","") | table digits
Like this:
| eval digits=_raw | rex field=digits mode=sed "s/\D//g"
@woodcock Even this query worked thank you very much @woodcock
| eval digits=_raw | rex field=digits mode=sed "s/\D//g"
@woodcock i am seeing mode=sed "s/\D//g" type of regex for first time can you throw some light on this as i want to learn.
There is a unix tool called sed
which uses some RegEx-based syntax but has other peculiarities special to it. It is particularly useful when it is necessary to strip characters or re-arrange susbstrings. This says to use sed
instead of normal RegEx
when applying the command string to the field to modify.
This is in the search manual, under search command rex
, look for mode=sed
Go to regex101.com for testing any particular regular expression, or go to these sites to learn about them. I would suggest the first one first, although it has a number of places where it will tell you about multiple different "flavors" or "dialects", as opposed to being splunk-specific.
The other thing to be aware of is that sometimes you will have to escape (put a slash in front of) a character in splunk in order that the splunk processor will correctly interpret the regular expression, and it takes a little bit of familiarity to know when to add extra slashes because splunk is going to do multiple passes on the regex string. Don't worry about that too much, just get your feet wet and ask for help when you have a specific question.
You can go to this site- http://regex101.com/ to learn more about regular expressions and test them.
\d token stands for any digit
\D stands for any non digit
More on sed expression here - http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.6.1/SearchReference/Rex#Sed_expression
If you want only the digits in the raw event remove everything else, then instead of extracting simply use replace -
<base search> | eval digits=replace(_raw,"\D","") | table digits
Just like this but you might prefer to replace _raw with fieldName that contains the string.
@jkat54 Thank you very much
this worked as i wanted to extract numbers only from a single field that is "query" i used | eval digits=replace(query,"\D","") | table digits
@dineshraj9 - great answer!
@jkat54 - It's a kind of weird string, so I'd expect that it probably is the entire _raw, but you were right that optionally changing the source field was worth mentioning.
Yeah i didnt see that space in the string... its possible this is two fields, etc. So the _raw approach is probably the best.
well, check this one -
your base search | rex field=_raw "(?<YourNumber>\d+)$" | table YourNumber
in rex field=_raw "(?\d+)$" iam getting only the last part
Example i am getting 1
123example567.com i am getting 567
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That will extract the first set of consecutive digits in _raw, which in this example would be a single 0 character.
To make a correct extraction, add max_match=0
, then use mvjoin
with an empty string as the separator value to concatenate the multivalue fields together into a single string. dineshraj9's method is more elegant.
your base search | rex field=_raw "(?<YourNumber>\d+)$" max_match=0 | eval YourNumber=mvjoin(YourNumber,"") | table YourNumber
In this query i am getting results only if the string ends with a number.
for i am getting 1
for 123example567.com i am getting zero results