I have a lookup table similar to the following:
Week Status Number
13 May 17 Open 5
13 May 17 Closed 3
20 May 17 Open 7
20 May 17 Closed 4
I built a timechart using the following syntax:
| inputlookup lookup.csv | eval _time=strptime(Week, "%d %b %y") | timechart span=1w Values(Number) by Status
That produces a line graph timechart, but the x-axis labels are changed:
Mon 8 May
Mon 15 May
What am I not understanding about the strptime command that it's changing the date?
And most importantly, how do I make the change the x-axis label to say something like "Week ending 13 May", "Week ending 20 May"
I looked at the timewrap command but
| inputlookup lookup.csv | eval _time=strptime(Week, "%d %b %y") | timewrap w | timechart span=1w Values(Number) by Status
gives me a chart with four data points all on the left y-axis point "Mon May 22":
"Closed, 2 weeks before", "Open, 2 weeks before", "Closed, 1 week before", "Open, 1 week before".
I need two lines with two data points like I get with the first search.
It's timechart that changes the dates to it's own format from the strptime format. As far as I know there's no way in search to customize that. You can go a different route and bin _time, use xyseries, and finally change the format after:
|inputlookup lookup.csv
|eval _time=strptime(Week, "%d %b %y")
|bin _time span=1w
|xyseries _time Status Number
|eval _time=strftime(_time, "Week ending %d %b")
Like this:
| makeresults
| eval raw="13 May 17,Open,5
13 May 17,Closed,3
20 May 17,Open,7
20 May 17,Closed,4"
| makemv delim="
" raw
| mvexpand raw
| rename raw AS _raw
| rex "^(?<Week>[^,]+),(?<Status>[^,]+),(?<Number>.*)$"
| table Week Status Number
| rename COMMENT AS "Everything above creates test events; everything below is your solution"
| chart sum(Number) OVER Week BY Status
| eval _time=strptime(Week, "%d %b %y")
| sort 0 _time
| fields - _time
It's timechart that changes the dates to it's own format from the strptime format. As far as I know there's no way in search to customize that. You can go a different route and bin _time, use xyseries, and finally change the format after:
|inputlookup lookup.csv
|eval _time=strptime(Week, "%d %b %y")
|bin _time span=1w
|xyseries _time Status Number
|eval _time=strftime(_time, "Week ending %d %b")
Thanks. That worked great.