In addition to the links mentioned by adonio, this search might get you some of the way there. However, things like macros can hide indexes/sourcetypes so it's not 100% but does also include data models/nodenames being used.
The search filters out all "*" and "_*" references as those aren't very useful. It prefixes data models with "DM-" and nodenames with "ND-" and treats those as an index/sourcetype combo. Macros are prefixed with "MC-" to easily identify and look at manually.
You could compare this against a REST call to the indexes or indexes-extended endpoint to get a starting point. BUT, you will want to confirm with data owners the indexes aren't actually being used since, again, this search is not 100%.
index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd_remote_searches
|dedup search
search=replace(search, "(datamodel\s*=[\s\"]*)(.*?)([\|\s\"\)])", "\1DM-\2\3"),
search=replace(search, "(eval\s+datamodel\s*=[\s\"]*)DM-", "\1"),
search=replace(search, "(\|\s*pivot\s+)(.*?)(\s)", "\1DM-\2\3"),
search=replace(search, "(nodename\s*=[\s\"]*)(.*?)([\|\s\"\)])", "\1ND-\2\3"),
search=replace(search, "(eval\s+nodename\s*=[\s\"]*)ND-", "\1"),
search=replace(search, "(search\s*`)(.*?)([`\(])", "\1MC-\2\3")
|rex field=search max_match=0 "index\s*=[\s\"]*(?<idx>.*?)[\|\s\"\)]"
|rex field=search max_match=0 "sourcetype\s*=[\s\"]*(?<st>.*?)[\|\s\"\)]"
|rex field=search max_match=0 "search\s*`(?<macro_index>MC-.*?)[`\(]"
|rex field=search max_match=0 "datamodel\s*=[\s\"]*(?<dm>DM-.*?)[\|\s\"\)]"
|rex field=search max_match=0 "nodename\s*=[\s\"]*(?<node>ND-.*?)[\|\s\"\)]"
|rex field=search max_match=0 "\|\s*pivot\s+(?<pv>.*?)\s"
idx=mvdedup(mvappend(idx, macro_index, dm, pv)),
idx=mvfilter(idx!="*" AND idx!="_*" AND NOT match(idx, "^_") AND NOT match(idx, "^\d+[\*_]")),
st=mvdedup(mvappend(st, node))
|where isnotnull(idx) AND isnotnull(st)
|stats c by idx, st
|table idx, st
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