Splunk Search

How do I calculate the number of Events Per Day so I can then divide by 86400 to get the daily EPS?

Path Finder


I'm trying to calculate the number of events per day so I can then divide by 86400 to get the daily EPS. I know I can get the EPS "directly" using various queries like the below but I don't really understand the logic as what is the ev field and how is it calculated?

index=_internal sourcetype=splunkd Metrics TERM(group=per_sourcetype_thruput) component=Metrics
| fields ev series _time
| rename ev as events, series as sourcetype
| timechart limit=15 partial=f minspan=30s per_second(events) as EPS by sourcetype
| append [ | tstats dc(source) as Sources, dc(sourcetype) as Sourcetypes, dc(host) as Hosts where index=* by _time | timechart partial=f sum(Sources) as Sources, sum(Sourcetypes) as Sourcetypes, sum(Hosts) as Hosts ]
| timechart partial=f first(*) as * | addtotals
| fields _time Total
| appendpipe [| stats count | where count=0 | eval Total="0"]


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Path Finder

Thanks, is there a way to show the events through the data as when I do a search my results no where near match the number produced by using ev?

0 Karma


To count events use the tstats command.

| tstats count where index=* _index_earliest=-1d@d _index_latest=@d by index


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is it possible to execute the following command to calculate Event per day in one week?

index=* earliest=-7d
| timechart span=1d count


0 Karma


Yes, it's possible, but don't do that.  It tells Splunk to open every bucket with data from the last seven days and read all of the events from that time.  It will be slow and wasteful of resources.  Use tstats, instead.

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The per_second function sums the given field then divides the total by the number of seconds in the interval to get the per-second value.

The ev field in Metrics events is the number of events received in the current sampling interval.

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Path Finder

Thanks, is there a way to show the events through the data as when I do a search my results no where near match the number produced by using ev?

0 Karma



from documentation which @richgalloway pointed to you, you see this

By default, metrics.log reports the top 10 results for each type. You can change that number of series from the default by editing the value of maxseries in the [metrics] stanza in limits.conf.

So it's not report all events which splunk ingesting/read/send etc. That's the reason why you cannot see/get correct values. All those values what you are getting from metrics.log are just estimates not exact values for all data.

If you need a real EPS you must count e.g. indexed events per time slot using _indextime not _time. Or another option is use some apps or another way to get exact numbers from needed place.

r. Ismo 

0 Karma

Path Finder

Thanks, could you please provide such a query?

Tags (1)
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Path Finder

So the sum of ev is the total number of events for the interval? 

0 Karma


Yes, but it's not 100% accurate so the number calculated here may not match your license usage.  See https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.0.0/Troubleshooting/Aboutmetricslog and https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.0.0/Troubleshooting/Aboutmetricslog#Thruput_messages:....

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Path Finder

Unfortunately summing ev  suggests I had an EPS of 18396 which is way off the mark. Any other ideas?

0 Karma


Make sure the numbers being added are from the same interval.

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