How do I add an eventtype to a search?
index=rgs_windows sourcetype=process_details instance != "Idle" instance !="_Total" NOT instance="svchost*" NOT Username = "NT_AUTHORITY*" Username != "SYSTEM" | rex field=instance "(?<instance>[^#]+e)" | rex field=instance "(?<t;instance>[^~]+)" | lookup host_info.csv host OUTPUTNEW ip |stats latest(ElapsedHours) AS "ElapsedHours", avg(AdjustedPercentCPU) AS "Average CPU %" ,latest(instance) AS Process by ip,host |rename ip as IP |table host, IP ,Process, ElapsedHours, "Average CPU %",
I want to add the eventtype below to the search above:
eventtype="windows_performance" ip="*" site_description="*" object="NVIDIA GPU" counter="% GPU Usage"| stats sparkline(avg(Value)) as Trend avg(Value) as Average, max(Value) as Peak, latest(Value) as Current, latest(_time) as "Last Updated" by ip
can anyone please help me? thank you
eventtype="windows_performance" with your query.
Add this eventtype in the app you are using.
Go to settings ->Eventypes->new
worked for me... actually was searching how to add field "event type".. got an answer from your reply.
Thanks again.
no the above event type is already a saved event type but i want to use that in the search query
can you confirm what eventtype="windows_performance" corresponds to ? the search query for the eventtype please.
the event type displays the "gpu usage" field ..I want this field to be displayed along with other fields in search query