Splunk Search

Help with Timechart splunk


Hey All

I have this search, and I want two results on my visualization. I want to see both "Method" and "User". What is missing here

index=XXX sourcetype="XXX:XXX:message" data.logName="projects/*/logs/cloudaudit.googleapis.com%2Factivity" data.resource.labels.project_id IN (*) AND (
data.resource.type IN(*) (data.protoPayload.methodName IN ("*update*","*patch*","*insert*" ) AND data.protoPayload.authorizationInfo{}.permission IN ("*update*","*insert*"))
OR (data.resource.type IN(*) (data.protoPayload.methodName IN ("*create*", "*insert*") AND data.protoPayload.authorizationInfo{}.permission="*create*"))
OR (data.resource.labels.project_id IN (*) AND data.resource.type IN(*) data.protoPayload.methodName IN (*delete*)))
| eval name1='data.protoPayload.authorizationInfo{}.resourceAttributes.name'
| eval name2='data.protoPayload.authorizationInfo{}.resource'
| eval Name=if(name1="-", name2,name1)
|search Name!="-"
| rename data.protoPayload.methodName as Method, data.resource.type as "Resource Type", data.protoPayload.authorizationInfo{}.permission as Permission, data.timestamp as Time, data.protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail as User, data.protoPayload.requestMetadata.callerIp as "Caller IP"
| timechart count by Method
Labels (1)
0 Karma
1 Solution


Try changing to line graph, set the format to zero or connect (not gap), then switch back to column chart

View solution in original post

0 Karma


@ITWhisperer Amazing thanks a lot. 
Just another question, if i want to search users that ends in @xxx.com
I still want to use the same search but want to sort it to only users that ends with @xxx.com

0 Karma


Does something like this work for you?

| bin span=30m _time
| stats count by _time Method User
| eventstats sum(count) as Method_count by _time Method
| eventstats sum(count) as User_count by _time User
| eval {Method}=Method_count
| eval {User}=User_count
| fields - count *_count Method User
| timechart values(*) as *
0 Karma


Hey looks much better now.
Can I make it nicer in somehow, the vizualization? 



0 Karma


Try changing to line graph, set the format to zero or connect (not gap), then switch back to column chart

0 Karma
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