Hi, I am successfully reading and joining a couple of sources, but am having a trouble adding a 3rd.
index=access_logs TTG |
rex field=_raw "\"GET\s*.*?xml\?*(?<ttg_request>.*?)\s*HTTP.*?\"" |
rex field=ttg_request "c_account_code=(?<ttg_c_account_code>.*?)&" |
rex field=ttg_request "c_error_code=(?<ttg_c_error_code>.*?)&" |
rex field=ttg_request "c_time_stamp=(?<ttg_c_time_stamp>.*?)&" |
rename ttg_c_account_code as addressID |
join addressID [search index="tt2_trial_accounts"] |
table addressID accountCode ttg_c_error_code ttg_c_time_stamp
the 3rd
index=json_mi | table accountCode event.type date
I want to join like this;
index=access_logs OR index=json_mi |
but do not know how to handle the above rex fields in this instance.
Ideally ending up with something that looks like;
table accountCode some_field(ttg_c_error_code or event.type date) date(ttg_c_time_stamp or date)
Any help appreciated.
We need a bit more info to help with crafting the search, however generally you can use the following template to "join" data sets
<search for all the data> | <eval/extract all the needed fields> | stats <aggregates, fields ...> BY <fields you want to join>