index=app_proxy sourcetype=bcoat_proxysg_app OR sourcetype=bcoat_proxyclient_app categories="Malicous Sources" OR "Botnets" | stats count by username,host,referrer | count> 1 | table _time username,host,referrer filter_results
Additionally, after the stats
there are no _time
and filter_results
columns, so listing them in table
doesn't seem to make sense to me.
Sure - this looks like a search that returns information. However, it probably won't get the categories you are looking for. The below splits out the categories into the cim field "category". If this works for what you are looking for, then it makes sense.
index=app_proxy sourcetype=bcoat_proxysg_app OR sourcetype=bcoat_proxyclient_app category="Malicous Sources" OR category="Botnets" | stats count by username,host,referrer | where count> 1 | table _time username,host,referrer filter_results
There's likely a syntax error in | count > 1 |
due to lack of a search command such as search
or where
- both will achieve what you wanted and throw out events with count=1
does the rule make sense to you as is?
Do elaborate on what you actually need help with.