I have a search like this
host=A |stats last("Status") by TaskId
I like to group the result of above query by Status and then display a pie chart.
I use transaction "Status" but doesn't work out.
Can anybody help me.
In addition to Rocket66's comment, try this: 'host=A | stats last("Status") as LastStatus by TaskId | chart LastStatus'
Thanks it is solved
I get the result.Result is based on TaskIds.
I want to group that result again based on Status.
for that i use like
host=A |stats last("Status") by TaskId | transaction "Status".
This is not working.How can i achieve this.
In addition to Rocket66's comment, try this: 'host=A | stats last("Status") as LastStatus by TaskId | chart LastStatus'
Please accept the answer if it is what got it worked out.
This worked out .Thanks man
Don't know, what the problem is ...
Maybe your field "Status" is called "status" or "TaskId", "TaskID" or some (other) typo?
Greetz, Robert