Splunk Search

Generate values for IN search

Path Finder

How do I use a search to generate values to use inside of an IN search? For example:



index=syslog src_ip IN ( | tstats count from datamodel=Random by ips | stats values(ips) as IP | eval IP = mvjoin(IP, ",")



I tried the method above but it's not working. Thank you!

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What @richgalloway is correct, but technically it's possible to format the return value so it can be used in the IN statement - your problem is that you are not crafting a subsearch - you're missing the [] subsearch brackets  - but you could do it like this - but you wouldn't really want to...

index=syslog src_ip IN ( 
    | tstats count from datamodel=Random by ips 
    | stats values(ips) as IP 
``` You could technically do this, but it's not necessary
    | eval IP = mvjoin(IP, ",")```
``` Use this return $ statement to return a space separated string 
    but you could technically use the mvjoin and have a comma separated one```
    | return $IP


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Path Finder

Thank you @richgalloway and @bowesmana  - I'd accept both as the solution if I could as I learned about the return and format commands from you both. I accepted return as the solution since I wanted to use the IN search, and couldn't format the format command to remove the column names from the generated string. Not sure this is right, but I ended up having to use an eval command to append quotesa and commas to my values, prior to the return statement. In the end, it was something like... 

index=syslog src_ip IN ( 
    | tstats count from datamodel=Random by ips 
    | stats values(ips) as IP 
    | eval IP = "\"".IP."\","
    | return $IP

 Thanks again!


What @richgalloway is correct, but technically it's possible to format the return value so it can be used in the IN statement - your problem is that you are not crafting a subsearch - you're missing the [] subsearch brackets  - but you could do it like this - but you wouldn't really want to...

index=syslog src_ip IN ( 
    | tstats count from datamodel=Random by ips 
    | stats values(ips) as IP 
``` You could technically do this, but it's not necessary
    | eval IP = mvjoin(IP, ",")```
``` Use this return $ statement to return a space separated string 
    but you could technically use the mvjoin and have a comma separated one```
    | return $IP



Don't bother.  IN optimizes to a series of ORs so just start with that.

index=syslog [ | tstats count from datamodel=Random by ips | rename ips as src_ip | fields src_ip | format ]

The subsearch will run first and use the format command to produce a string like "(src_ip= OR src_ip=" which will become part of the main search.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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