In one of the columns of my lookup table, host, some values have two hosts rather than just one.
For example, my table might look like this
app1,env2,host1 OR host2
In my dashboard panel, I am writing a query that would search for all events with the selected environment and host. However, for the ones with two hosts, the search query only searches for the first host. How would I be able to search for both?
You can use dynamic tokens. Something like this
<input type=dropdown>
<eval token="hosts">replace($value$, " OR ", " OR host=")</eval>
Way late to the game, but for anyone that is looking for something like this, you may try insert this in your search. It will make the host field multivalue based on the comma.
| inputlookup
| makemv delim="," host
You can use dynamic tokens. Something like this
<input type=dropdown>
<eval token="hosts">replace($value$, " OR ", " OR host=")</eval>
Would this be the same for if I just had static options in my dropdown?
I tried to do what you suggested, but it didn't seem to change my search query when I opened it up in search. Here is the XML:
<input type="dropdown" token="env" searchWhenChanged="true">
<choice value="host1 OR host2 OR host3">PROD</choice>
<choice value="host1 OR host4">QA</choice>
<choice value="host5">QI1</choice>
<choice value="host5 OR host6">QI2</choice>
<choice value="host7">QC1</choice>
<eval token="hosts">replace($value$, " OR ", " OR host=")</eval>
If these are static values, your best option would be change the values to
<choice value="host=host1 OR host=host2 OR host=host3">PROD</choice>
<choice value="host=host1 OR host=host4">QA</choice>
<choice value="host=host5">QI1</choice>
<choice value="host=host5 OR host=host6">QI2</choice>
<choice value="host=host7">QC1</choice>
If these are dynamically populated, you could add the host=
in the query that is populating the dropdown.
The other option is to use tags
in your data and in the dropdowns
Thanks for the help!
And my search query is: host = $env$ ...
If you have control over the lookup table, consider a separate row for the extra host.
Hi Rich,
I am using the lookup table to populate my dropdowns, but I do not want to create another dropdown for host. Is there a way to search for both hosts now that they are in separate rows?
I didn't get the part where you were populating a dropdown. This answer won't help with that.