HI Experts,
i am able to exact 4th and 5th fields from below log but i am able to exact get the value if the 4th or 5th filed is HOSTNAME but if it is IPaddress then i am not able retrieve.here is the sample log
tcp 0 0 12b8-splfwd02.ndm.nsro:7171 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 poc-card-luna2.nad.ns:50326 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 12b8-splfwd02.ndm.nsro:7171 ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 poc-card-luna4.nad.ns:50326 SYNC_SENT
tcp 0 0 12b8-splfwd03.ndm.nsro:7171 poc-card-luna1.nad.ns:46756 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 12b8-splfwd03.ndm.nsro:7171 SYNC_SENT
tcp 0 0 poc-card-luna2.nad.ns:46756 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 12b8-splfwd03.ndm.nsro:7171 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 12b8-splfwd03.ndm.nsro:7171 poc-card-luna4.nad.ns:46756 ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 12b8-splfwd04.ndm.nsro:7171 poc-card-luna1.nad.ns:46756 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 poc-card-luna3.nad.ns:46756 SYNC_SENT
tcp 0 0 12b8-splfwd04.ndm.nsro:7171 poc-card-luna2.nad.ns:46756 SYNC_SENT
tcp 0 0 12b8-splfwd04.ndm.nsro:7171 poc-card-luna4.nad.ns:46756 ESTABLISHED
tcp 0 0 12b8-splfwd04.ndm.nsro:7171 poc-card-luna2.nad.ns:46756 ESTABLISHED
Below Regex can be used in field extractor in write your own regular expression syntax:
^(?< protocol>[\S]+)\s*?(?< field1>[\S]+)\s*?(?< field2>[\S]+)\s*?(?< hostOrIp1>[^:]+):(?< hostOrIp1Port>[\S]+)\s*?(?< hostOrIp2>[^:]+):(?< hostOrIp2Port>[\S]+)\s.*?(?< state>[\S]+)
During search time this regex can also be used with rex to extract fields if fields are not already extracted:
|rex field=_raw "^(?< protocol>[\S]+)\s*?(?< field1>[\S]+)\s*?(?< field2>[\S]+)\s*?(?< hostOrIp1>[^:]+):(?< hostOrIp1Port>[\S]+)\s*?(?< hostOrIp2>[^:]+):(?< hostOrIp2Port>[\S]+)\s.*?(?< state>[\S]+)"
| table hostOrIp1, hostOrIp2
NOTE: Please remove the space in each of the tags, example "< protocol>", "< field1>" etc.
If you're using the Splunk UI you're probably using the automatic field extractor which is most likely producing a regex string that is too specific. Try this regex, instead. It skips the first three space-delimited fields and extracts the next two space-delimited fields as 'src' and 'dest', respectively.
Perhaps you want the 4th and 5th fields to be the host name/IP address and port. That regex string is
(?:[^ ]+ ){3}(?P<src>[^:]+):(?<dest>\d+)
Below Regex can be used in field extractor in write your own regular expression syntax:
^(?< protocol>[\S]+)\s*?(?< field1>[\S]+)\s*?(?< field2>[\S]+)\s*?(?< hostOrIp1>[^:]+):(?< hostOrIp1Port>[\S]+)\s*?(?< hostOrIp2>[^:]+):(?< hostOrIp2Port>[\S]+)\s.*?(?< state>[\S]+)
During search time this regex can also be used with rex to extract fields if fields are not already extracted:
|rex field=_raw "^(?< protocol>[\S]+)\s*?(?< field1>[\S]+)\s*?(?< field2>[\S]+)\s*?(?< hostOrIp1>[^:]+):(?< hostOrIp1Port>[\S]+)\s*?(?< hostOrIp2>[^:]+):(?< hostOrIp2Port>[\S]+)\s.*?(?< state>[\S]+)"
| table hostOrIp1, hostOrIp2
NOTE: Please remove the space in each of the tags, example "< protocol>", "< field1>" etc.
Thank you govindsinghrawat.i am trying to create visualization by using all your experts answers.
is there way to create visualization by using similar search
both are giving same results
index=netstat|rex field=_raw "^(?[\S]+)\s*?(?[\S]+)\s*?(?[\S]+)\s*?(?[^:]+):(?[\S]+)\s*?(?[^:]+):(?[\S]+)\s.*?(?[\S]+)"
| eventstats count by state hostOrIp1 hostOrIp2 |eval CountConnStatus=count+" - "+state|chart values(CountConnStatus) by hostOrIp1 hostOrIp2
index=netstat |rex "(?[a-zA-Z0-9][^\s]+)\s(?[^\s]+)\s(?.*)" |eventstats count by CONN_STATUS CBOL_SERVER HSM |eval CountConnStatus=count+" - "+CONN_STATUS|chart values(CountConnStatus) by CBOL_SERVER HSM
Hi @rajgowd
The above regex which I gave is to extract fields. Once the fields are extracted then you can use them i your commands.
Now coming to visulaizations. Visualizations can only be created depending on how you end your search, for example :
if you end your search with timechart command then you will immediately have visualization options for line, bar etch. Example:
yourBaseSearch | timechart count by yourField
If you have statistics being generated as aggregations like min, max, sum etc you can plot them using timechart, chart etc.
Hi Rich,thanks for your response.
From logs,I am trying to extract using splunk UI.
I think I am able extract multiple fields.
Hi Rich,thanks for your response.
From logs,I am trying to extract using splunk UI.
I think I am able extract multiple fields.
You have few options.
1) Edit props/transforms per instructions in the blog post. Your data appears to be space delimited, so you will specific " "
in your transforms instead of ","
2) The other option is to use Interactive Field Extractor (IFX) to extract the fields as space delim. IFX will generate the similar props/transforms edits for the extractions.
3) Use regex in your SPL like this
base search | rex "(?<f1>[^\s]+)\s(?<f2>[^\s]+)\s(?<f3>[^\s]+)\s(?<f4>[^\s]+)\s(?<f5>[^\s]+)\s(?<f6>[^\s]+)" | table f*
How are you extracting the fields? Is this a search-time or index-time extraction?