I've got a number of files coming from directories similar to this....
C:\File Transfer\Relay Files\8Series_files\WB-CWP\WB_CWP8_869\evt.txt
I'd like to extract the WB_CWP8_869 and create it as a searchable field. The filepath always looks like this.... the section before the field I want varies....
But the beginning (C:\File Transfer\Relay Files\8Series_files\) and the end (evt.txt) is always the same.
Hi @teco_akelly,
if you're sure that the beginning and the end of your file path is always the same, you can use a regex like this:
C:\\File Transfer\\Relay Files\\8Series_files\\(?<your_field>[^\\]+)\\WB_CWP8_869\\evt\.txt
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/NXHwWz/1