Hey fellow Splunker's. I'm trying to extract some fields from Windows event logs. When I search these logs the content looks great:
But when I want to extract more fields, some of the content just disappear in Field Extractor:
So I can't get those fields extracted. Any suggestions? Thanks in advanced!
The built in field extractor could work but why don't you build your regex from scratch?
www.regex101.com will help and explain you a lot!
If you provide an example event and describe what you want to have extracted I'm sure that i can help you with that.
Did you try setting CHARSET = UTF-16
in your props.conf?
Hi Skalli, thanks for you reply. I put CHARSET = UTF-16
to the props.conf in my app and still don't see the rest of the content.
I believe the splunk's extractor only loads certain number of chars/events.. Have you loaded your event to rex101 [ https://regex101.com/] and tried to extract your required fields?
Another option, would be to setup the universal forwarder to collect the data in XML renderXml=true [ if that's acceptable in your case, as it will show everything in english]