Splunk Search

Error when trying to add token to limit table results in a search?


I recreated the dashboard using the report search and have the search returning all of the table results. I have an input for the reference number as a text box. The token name is: purchCostReferenceToken

I want to limit the table results based on this token. This is the search:

      <label>Thru Train Dashboard</label>
      <fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="true">
        <input type="text" token="purchCostReferenceToken" searchWhenChanged="true">
          <label>Enter a TMS Reference Number to Filter Table</label>
          <title>Thru Train Data</title>
              <query>index=... "<billingMethod>RULE</billingMethod>" "createMessage MsgSource" | xmlkv | rex max_match=0 "\<purchasedCostTripSegment\>(?P<segment>[^\<]+)" |eval Segments =  mvrange(1,mvcount(mvindex(segment, 0, 2))+1,1) | rex max_match=0 "\<carrier\>(?P<Carriers>[^\<]+)" | rex max_match=0 "\<billingMethod\>(?P<BillingMethod>[^\<]+)" | rex max_match=0 "<purchasedCostTripSegment>[\s\S]*?<origin>\s*<ns2:numberCode>(?P<Origin>\d+)"  | rex max_match=0 "<purchasedCostTripSegment>[\s\S]*?<destination>\s*<ns2:numberCode>(?P<Destination>\d+)" | rex max_match=0 "<purchasedCostTripSegment>[\s\S]*?<stopOff>\s*<ns2:stopOffLocation>\s*<ns2:numberCode>(?P<StopOffLocation>\d+)" | eval Time =_time | convert timeformat="%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" ctime(Time) | table purchCostReference, eventType, Time, Segments, Carriers, BillingMethod, Origin, Destination, StopOffLocation | sort Time</query>
            <option name="drilldown">none</option>

Where do I add the token to limit the search?
I tried adding this to the end of the search before the table command:

 ...   | eval Time =_time | convert timeformat="%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S" ctime(Time) purchCostReference=$purchCostReferenceToken$ | table purchCostReference, eventType, Time, Segments, Carriers, BillingMethod, Origin, Destination, StopOffLocation | sort Time

I get an error...error in convert command: the argument purchCostReference- is invalid
I would like to add filters in several of the table columns. The purchCostReference value is an extracted field in the search using xmlkv

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1 Solution


If the tokenized fields are automatically extracted then include the tokens in the base search. For example,

index=... "<billingMethod>RULE</billingMethod>" "createMessage MsgSource" purchCostReference=$purchCostReferenceToken$ | xmlkv ...

If the fields aren't automatically extracted then put the tokens after the field extraction.

... | xmlkv | rex max_match=0 "\<purchasedCostTripSegment\>(?P<segment>[^\<]+)" |search  segment=$purchCostReferenceToken$ | eval Segments = ....
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.

View solution in original post


If the tokenized fields are automatically extracted then include the tokens in the base search. For example,

index=... "<billingMethod>RULE</billingMethod>" "createMessage MsgSource" purchCostReference=$purchCostReferenceToken$ | xmlkv ...

If the fields aren't automatically extracted then put the tokens after the field extraction.

... | xmlkv | rex max_match=0 "\<purchasedCostTripSegment\>(?P<segment>[^\<]+)" |search  segment=$purchCostReferenceToken$ | eval Segments = ....
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.


Thanks! That worked

0 Karma


In my case I just had to add "$purchCostReferenceToken$" to the query

0 Karma
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