I have this search (executed over last 7 days):
sourcetype=access_* action=purchase | bucket _time span=1d | convert ctime(_time) timeformat="%m/%d" | chart sum(price) as sales over productId by _time
that is returning me a table having dates as columns name and productId as rows.
I can't find out how to caluclate the difference between columns of the report (for example, the first column, that is the first day, and the last column=last day).
Thanks in advance and best regards.
I think you want autoregress and stats command.
#Should be shorted by productId then by time. Becarefull of short order. This should give you the delta.
sourcetype=access_* action=purchase | bucket _time span=1d | convert ctime(_time) timeformat="%m/%d" | stats sum(price) as sales by productId ,_time |autoregress productId as preproductId | autoregress sales as presales | eval chg_in_sales=(sales-presales)| eval chg_in_sales=if(productId==preproductId,chg_in_sales,null()| table _time,productId,sales,chg_in_sales
If you want to a percentage of total sales by productId I might consider doing a subsearch with join and filldown. I am also doing this off the cuff so you may need a fields and sort command before the first autoregress.
Check out my other post.
Hope this helps are gets you started. Dont forget to vote up and/or accept answers.
I have solved my issue in this way:
1) I populate a summary index every hour with this search:
ourcetype=access_* action=purchase earliest=-7d@d latest=@d | bucket _time span=1d | stats sum(price) by _time productId
2) I have created a search with many join commands to get final results...
Thank you bmacias84.
Maybe you could use traspose command to switch rows and columns, and then use delta command to calculate the difference between each row.
Thank you,
but I think your solution cannot be applied.
I need to keep dates as column names (example: "3/21", "3/22", "3/23") and I want to add a final column that is the difference in percentage between the first and last column (in the example the differences between values under "3/21" and "3/23").
Kind regards.