We have a script that pulls the disk info than the Universalforwarder reads the data and send to Splunk. With the query below I can generate a table with a clean output but now I need an alert on diskusage in above 80% utilization. In the example I would like DB1 C drive current condition to fire an triggered Splunk alert.
index=popeye host=DB1 OR DB2 sourcetype="DiskInfo*"
| rex "C: \s+\d+\.\d\s+(?<Percent_C_FS>\S+)"
| rex "D: \s+\d+\.\d\s+(?<Percent_D_FS>\S+)"
dudup host | stats count by host Percent_C_FS Percent_D_FS
host Percent_C_FS Percent_D_FS
DB1 15 75
DB2 55 65
Try this search. Set the alert to trigger if the result count is not zero.
index=popeye host=DB1 OR DB2 sourcetype="DiskInfo*"
| rex "C: \s+\d+\.\d\s+(?<Percent_C_FS>\S+)"
| rex "D: \s+\d+\.\d\s+(?<Percent_D_FS>\S+)"
| where (Percent_C_FS < 20) OR (Percent_D_FS < 20)
dudup host | stats count by host Percent_C_FS Percent_D_FS
Try this search. Set the alert to trigger if the result count is not zero.
index=popeye host=DB1 OR DB2 sourcetype="DiskInfo*"
| rex "C: \s+\d+\.\d\s+(?<Percent_C_FS>\S+)"
| rex "D: \s+\d+\.\d\s+(?<Percent_D_FS>\S+)"
| where (Percent_C_FS < 20) OR (Percent_D_FS < 20)
dudup host | stats count by host Percent_C_FS Percent_D_FS
Thanks that is exactly what I needed.