I have a search to show the number of times an IP address was trying to reach some Customer IDs.
How can I count the number of CustIds and present just if there are more than 2 in a cell?
Attached the search and results:
original search
| stats count by CustId, IpAddress
| search count>10
| sort -count
| stats list(CustId) as CustId, list(count) as Count, sum(count) as Total by IpAddress
| sort -Total
| head 10
IpAddress CustId Count Total 306352113 84 84 60555283 70 84
23070955 14 32370266 42 73
205539923 31
Use mvcount
| stats count by CustId, IpAddress
| search count>10
| stats list(CustId) as CustId, list(count) as Count, sum(count) as Total by IpAddress
| where mvcount(CustId) > 1
| sort 10 - Total
Use mvcount
| stats count by CustId, IpAddress
| search count>10
| stats list(CustId) as CustId, list(count) as Count, sum(count) as Total by IpAddress
| where mvcount(CustId) > 1
| sort 10 - Total
Working great, thank you!