Splunk Search

Calculate percentage of multiple values, different events

Path Finder

I am trying to display the percentage of Total Modems against Total Modems on Card 0.

The XML I am given unfortunately breaks up data from essentially one event into three:

alt text

source="C:\\splunk_files\\summary.xml" host="OSSTEST01" index="prtg_cmts" sourcetype="PRTG_API" | rex "(<sensor>)(?<sensor>.*)<" | rex "(<group>)(?<group>.*)<" | rex "(<lastvalue>)(?<value>\d+)\s" | search group="Bertha/Hewitt CMTS" | table _time, group, sensor, value

I have tried running a sub search to get just total modem count, and then compare that to the count of the two other rows, using eventstats, but that was not successful.

0 Karma

Revered Legend

Try this

source="C:\\splunk_files\\summary.xml" host="OSSTEST01" index="prtg_cmts" sourcetype="PRTG_API" | rex "(<group>)(?<group>.*)<" | search group="Bertha/Hewitt CMTS"  | rex "(<sensor>)(?<sensor>.*)<" | rex "(<lastvalue>)(?<value>\d+)\s"  | table _time, group, sensor, value | eventstats sum(value) as Total by _time group | eval Percentage=round(value*100/Total,2)

If I'm not wrong, it easy to implement by just changing eventstats sum(.. to eventstats max(..

source="C:\\splunk_files\\summary.xml" host="OSSTEST01" index="prtg_cmts" sourcetype="PRTG_API" | rex "(<group>)(?<group>.*)<" | search group="Bertha/Hewitt CMTS"  | rex "(<sensor>)(?<sensor>.*)<" | rex "(<lastvalue>)(?<value>\d+)\s"  | table _time, group, sensor, value | eventstats max(value) as Total by _time group | eval Percentage=round(value*100/Total,2)
0 Karma

Path Finder

That is helpful. I maybe forgot to mention, the first row is actually the total and the values below it fractional representations of it (they add up to the total).

So in this case:
The first row has the total modems: 126
Upstream 5 has 86 modems online so it has 68% of the modems online
Upstream 6 has 40 modems online so it has 32% of the modems online

So there are 100% of the modems online. That is what I would like to represent in a single value field.

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