I have a table output like
Date Title Product Count
10 November 2019 PA Number of A 371
10 November 2019 PA Number of B 129
10 November 2019 PA Number of C 195
10 November 2019 PA Number of D 110
10 November 2019 PA Total 455
10 November 2019 PA Number of E 1
10 November 2019 PA Number of F 0
10 November 2019 PA Number of G 0
10 November 2019 PA Number of H 0
10 November 2019 PA) Number of I 129
Here i have to perform the ratio calculation part with respect to total value, for remaining field values in count field. I do not want to print the calculation as | eval ratio=(Count/455)*100. I want to pass this value of total as some static field, as my total values keeps changing dynamically.
Is there a possible was
This may help.
index=foo | eval Total=0, Sum=0
| eval Total=if(Product="Total", Total+Count, Total), Sum=If(Product!="Total", Sum+Count, Sum)
| eval ratio=(Sum*100)/Total
Hello Richgalloway
Thanks for your input, using this i am able to get Total column as 0 for all the rows and value 455 only for Total rows, and sum column as same values as of count except Total row as 0.
if I get the value or total 455 as a value for a new field for all the rows, then I cam perform the ratio part easily. Is is possible?
Please disregard this answer as it won't work. I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote it. Sorry.
if there any way to get solution on my condition