Hi Team,
Is there an alternative to count all the events to 'eventstats' using it results in data loss if exceed the duration only works fine until 6 or 7 hours so.
My search is basis 'transactionStatus = all', it works fine if I specify it as 'Failed' but using fail it doesnt calculate percentage by Total...but only by Total failed events or data count.
My BaseSearch.... **transactionStatus=*** earliest=-**1d**
| eventstats count as "Total"
| rex field=_raw "Error response from Sabre pad for getDetails : ErrorType : BusinessLogic Code : ERR.SWS.HOST.ERROR_IN_RESPONSE, Message\s*:\s*(?.+)"
| rex field=vldCxrs "carrierCode=(?..)"
| search carrierCode=*
| stats count(eval(transactionStatus="FAILED")) as "Failed_Count" by Total, ErrorMsg, tpid, carrierCode
| eval Error_Percent=round((Failed_Count/Total)*100,2)
| fields tpid, carrierCode, ErrorMsg, Error_Percent, Failed_Count, Total
| sort -Failed_Count
The Join query on 3 days not only returned results but also took about 430 KB compared to single query which is not able to handle 3days plus consumes 450 MB
Lastly - This query could not keep up when did 3 days, but it was a great alternative.....The only alternate way I found to make this work is by joining 3 different queries where 'Total' is calculated separately and 'ErrorMsg' is counted separately.
Can you tell what does this "first(Total) as Total" do.
its also working if I simply do 'by Total'
Actually ignore me the first solution worked, there need to be 'vldcxrs' also in the fields line
Thanks, I am using the first solution where when adding this line
first(Total) as Total by ErrorMsg, tpid, carrierCode
It resulting in no results to be displayed for some reason.
Okay, I marked your code, but a couple of html-like features were stripped out, so be skeptical of this code and validate it carefully.
I've made two changes here. First, I've added a line immediately after the first pipe that limits the fields extracted to the ones you need. Second, I've moved "Total" in the stats command to not being a "by" field. Each of those should get you some speed.
My BaseSearch.... **transactionStatus=*** earliest=-**1d**
| fields _raw transactionStatus ErrorMsg tpid
| eventstats count as "Total"
| rex field=_raw "Error response from Sabre pad for getDetails : ErrorType : BusinessLogic Code : ERR.SWS.HOST.ERROR_IN_RESPONSE, Message\s*:\s*(?<vldCxrs>.+)"
| rex field=vldCxrs "carrierCode=(?<carrierCode>..)"
| search carrierCode=*
| stats count(eval(transactionStatus="FAILED")) as "Failed_Count" first(Total) as Total by ErrorMsg, tpid, carrierCode
| eval Error_Percent=round((Failed_Count/Total)*100,2)
| fields tpid, carrierCode, ErrorMsg, Error_Percent, Failed_Count, Total
| sort - Failed_Count
Here's another way that might work faster, depending on data. Here, instead of calculating Total
with an early eventstats
, we retain records without a carrierCode
and then calculate Total
with a late one, and THEN drop the records with no carrierCode
My BaseSearch.... **transactionStatus=*** earliest=-**1d**
| fields _raw transactionStatus ErrorMsg tpid
| rex field=_raw "Error response from Sabre pad for getDetails : ErrorType : BusinessLogic Code : ERR.SWS.HOST.ERROR_IN_RESPONSE, Message\s*:\s*(?<vldCxrs>.+)"
| rex field=vldCxrs "carrierCode=(?<carrierCode>..)"
| eval carrierCode=coalesce(carrierCode, "NONE")
| stats count(eval(transactionStatus="FAILED")) as "Failed_Count" count as allCount by ErrorMsg, tpid, carrierCode
| eventstats sum(allcount) as Total
| where carrierCode!="NONE"
| eval Error_Percent=round((Failed_Count/Total)*100,2)
| fields tpid, carrierCode, ErrorMsg, Error_Percent, Failed_Count, allCount, Total
| sort - Failed_Count