Hi Team,
Is there an alternative to count all the events to 'eventstats' using it results in data loss if exceed the duration only works fine until 6 or 7 hours so.
My search is basis 'transactionStatus = all', it works fine if I specify it as 'Failed' but using fail it doesnt calculate percentage by Total...but only by Total failed events or data count.
My BaseSearch.... **transactionStatus=*** earliest=-**1d**
| eventstats count as "Total"
| rex field=_raw "Error response from Sabre pad for getDetails : ErrorType : BusinessLogic Code : ERR.SWS.HOST.ERROR_IN_RESPONSE, Message\s*:\s*(?.+)"
| rex field=vldCxrs "carrierCode=(?..)"
| search carrierCode=*
| stats count(eval(transactionStatus="FAILED")) as "Failed_Count" by Total, ErrorMsg, tpid, carrierCode
| eval Error_Percent=round((Failed_Count/Total)*100,2)
| fields tpid, carrierCode, ErrorMsg, Error_Percent, Failed_Count, Total
| sort -Failed_Count
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