|eval earlytime=_time-60 latesttime=_time+60
|fields earlytime,latesttime
|search index=event_data2 earliest=earlytime latest=latesttime
|return event_host,event_user
|table event_host,event_user
sorry to be so slow to respond. so there are a few ways to do this. starting with your example, you need to change the '=' sign to '>' and '<' signs. so earliest>earlytime latest<latesttime.
This will mean that splunk will show events that happen during the time between those two.
sorry to be so slow to respond. so there are a few ways to do this. starting with your example, you need to change the '=' sign to '>' and '<' signs. so earliest>earlytime latest<latesttime.
This will mean that splunk will show events that happen during the time between those two.