Splunk Enterprise

Why is scripted input not showing up in search results, but is running fine in server?


Scripted input not showing up in search results, but is running fine in server

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That's not a lot to go on.  Make sure you're searching the right index and time window.  How are you determining the SI is running fine?  Does _internal show the script is launched?  Are there any conditions where the script might "run fine", but produce no output?

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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The script is producing output when i run the script located at  /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/custom_app/bin  in UF but it is not sending data to HF.

UF is configured in a way that it forwards data to HF and then to IDXer.

0 Karma


How did you determine the UF is not send data to the HF?  Make sure you're searching the right index and time window. 

Do you see the UF's internal logs in the search head?  Does _internal show the script is launched?

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
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Revered Legend

Check if you see any error in the internal logs from the server where scripted input is running

index=_internal error yourscriptnamehere
0 Karma
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