Splunk Enterprise

TypeError: Failed to fetch when using splunk-logging javascript library


I'm using the splunk-logging library found here to setup event collection from a web app. 

I have followed the Basic Example in the repo's README and also from the how to page

The error I'm seeing is ERROR: TypeError: Failed to fetch CONTEXT from line 32 in splunklogger.js. The code that sets up the logger looks like the following. 

const config = {
token: splunkToken,
url: splunkUrl
const SplunkLogger = require('splunk-logging').Logger;
const logger = new SplunkLogger(config);

const payload = {
message: 'hello world',
metadata: {
index: 'hms'
sourcetype: 'ui'

logger.send(payload, (error, resp, body) => {


As I'm writing this out I'm wondering if the error I'm getting is because I'm using the logger from the browser, so there is a cross origin issue. Is this the issue or is there an issue in the code?

New Member


Even I'm facing the issue while picking the library classes.

Module '"splunk-logging"' has no exported member 'SplunkLoggingService'.


Have installed splunk-javascript package.. pls let me know any other installations need to be done.

0 Karma


Actually I discovered it is a cors error, so it is impossible to send logs directly to splunk from the browser

0 Karma


Did you manage to solve this? I get the exact same error trying to log from browser

0 Karma
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