How can we automatically send frozen/archived splunk logs from the indexers over to a Ceph S3 bucket using the indexers.conf file on the indexers?
Yes, sort of. Use indexers.conf to specify a coldToFrozenScript. That script, which you must write, will copy the archived buckets to Ceph. See and
Do you have any ideas on how we can write a script to copy over frozen buckets over to ceph s3 buckets?
Personally, I like Visual Studio Code, but notepad++ is good, too. 😀
hahaha. Can remotePath (ceph s3 bucket) not be used to store the cold or frozen buckets/logs?
remotePath is used for warm/cold buckets. This is part of the SmartStore feature. Frozen buckets are different and are not stored by SmarStore.
There is an example coldToFrozenScript in $SPLUNK_HOME/bin.