Hello I have a question 🙂
I am working on this map.
However, when "there are no resulst returned", I want to have the empty map and not this :
What can I do this ?
<dashboard version="1.1">
<label>HPE IMC</label>
<title>La liste des alarmes</title>
<viz type="location_tracker_app.location_tracker">
<query>index="imcfault" sourcetype="st_imcfault" severity=3 OR severity=4
| lookup switchs.csv ip AS sourceIp
| rex field=location "^(?<latitude>.+?), (?<longitude>.+?)$" | eval latitude=if(isnull(latitude),"43.123888",latitude) | eval longitude=if(isnull(longitude),"5.953356",longitude)
| table _time latitude longitude faultDesc</query>
<option name="height">800</option>
<option name="location_tracker_app.location_tracker.interval">10</option>
<option name="location_tracker_app.location_tracker.showTraces">0</option>
<option name="location_tracker_app.location_tracker.staticIcon">none</option>
<option name="location_tracker_app.location_tracker.tileSet">light_tiles</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
Add an appendpipe command before | table. It will create fields when no events are found.
| eval latitude=if(isnull(latitude),"43.123888",latitude)
| eval longitude=if(isnull(longitude),"5.953356",longitude)
| appendpipe [ stats count | eval latitude="43.123888", longitude="5.953356" | where count=0 | fields - count ]
| table _time latitude longitude faultDesc
Add an appendpipe command before | table. It will create fields when no events are found.
| eval latitude=if(isnull(latitude),"43.123888",latitude)
| eval longitude=if(isnull(longitude),"5.953356",longitude)
| appendpipe [ stats count | eval latitude="43.123888", longitude="5.953356" | where count=0 | fields - count ]
| table _time latitude longitude faultDesc
Thank youuuu for your help