I need to capture first two line following the word 'ERROR' from the log file.
Example 1:
2022-05-20 11:36:22,393 ERROR [com.https.custom.integration.Integration](WFA:346899 - 5678976 triExecute:671116263 IE=671116263) com.https.platform.smartobject.dataaccess.SmartObjectNotFoundException: No Smart Object with id '-1' exists
com.https.platform.smartobject.dataaccess.SmartObjectNotFoundException: No Smart Object with id '-1' exists
at com.https.platform.smartobject.dataaccess.SmartObjectDaoImpl.read(SmartObjectDaoImpl.java:131)
Example 2:
2022-05-20 11:36:36,804 ERROR [com.https.ws.https](Thread-789) com.https.ws.errors.AccessException: User does not have access to create records in this GUI. [User:- , GUI: triIntegrationInstance]
com.https.ws.errors.AccessException: User does not have access to create records in this GUI. [User: ahmuy, wasim- kb4567, GUI: triIntegrationInstance]
at com.https.ws.utils.Validator.validateCreateAccess(Validator.java:588)
at com.https.ws.WSProcessThread.processRecord(WSProcessThread.java:258)
at com.https.ws.WSProcessThread.run(WSProcessThread.java:147)
Please help me with regex.
What have you tried so far? How did those efforts fail to meet expectations?
Are the lines all in a single event or in multiple events?
@richgalloway It is single event.
@ITWhisperer Can you please help here
| rex "ERROR (?<error>.*\n.*)"