Hey guys,
I'm having trouble updating SPlunk from version 8.1.0 to version 8.2. When running the command "rpm -i --replacepkgs splunk-", it displays several alerts as below: How
this alert occurs for several files.
file /opt/splunk/share/splunk/search_mrsparkle/exposed/pcss/version-5-and-earlier/admin_lite.pcss from install of splunk- conflicts with file from package splunk-
should I go about resolving the problem?
IMO, the best way to upgrade is to download the tarball for the new version and expand it into /Opt.
If you need to use rpm then specify the -U option.
IMO, the best way to upgrade is to download the tarball for the new version and expand it into /Opt.
If you need to use rpm then specify the -U option.