despite having a local\outputs.conf file properly populated with 6 Indexers one of our non clustered Search Heads does not show anything under Forward data as defined in the Web GUI
any suggestions where and how to check what is over writing this
The outputs.conf file tells a Splunk instance where to send its data. It does NOT tell a SH what or where any forwarders are.
You can use the Monitoring Console to see your forwarders, but you'll have to enable Forwarder Monitoring first in the Settings menu.
The Configure Forwarding page is where one tells that Splunk instance (SH, in this case) where to forward data. It's an alternative to editing an outputs.conf file on that server. The page has no bearing on your heavy or universal forwarders.
There is the Settings->Forwarder Management page for managing forwarders, but that should only be used on your Deployment Server.
What problem are you trying to solve?
one of our Search Heads though it has a local\outputs.conf file with 6 Indexers listed in it, does NOT show any listed on the Forwarding and receiving Web UI page, like all our other Search Heads and I can't figure out why that is
Try to run btool in your user's context to see if the outputs setting is visible.
Interesting. I don't know why that would be.