Hi Experts,
I am trying to setup a glasstable containing the result from cvss score field.
I seem to get other result related to this (CVE, crticality level etc.) but the cvss field is not extracted. I can see that the field is available in the "vulnerability" datamodel.
How and what do I edit in the data model to extract the data. Have not been able to find information about this online
Is the CVSS score field present in your events? The datamodel can't extract what's not in the data.
With events do you mean incident review panel? the cvss score is not showed in either the incident review panel or in search results.
The field is not present in the search result
I can see the cvss score result in my splunk module where i have Qualys app installed. Its just in my SIEM i cant see it
So the CVSS score field is present , but is not being extracted by the data model. You'll need to edit the data model to extract the field from your events.